Matthew 9: 13 "But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."   

We're all messed up all of us, not one person is perfect. l always thought l was too messed up for God. It's as if my sin's could not be forgiven. One of my favorite movies, The Perks of Being a Wallflower; states this quote which I believe to be very true not only in my life, but maybe for some of you as well: 

    "we accept the love we think we deserve."

I never quite understood the concept of God’s Grace and Love. Trying to wrap my head around the idea of a sinless man, a man who has never done anything wrong in His life. He died in MY place not because I deserve it but because He loves me? It's really hard to grasp; I knew I did not deserve that love and at times could not accept it. I have always struggled to know about them, grace and love. I could never be loved that much right? But l realized we are all redeemed we are all loved beyond our capable imagination. Think about how endless the ocean is, If the ocean was God's love; it is not even half of it. Think the ocean times forever. YES. It's basically impossible to comprehend, that is why we can never really truly understand how much He really loves us. We just have to accept His love and gift of salvation while truly endearing in an intimate relationship with Christ.  

I have heard the “Grace message” a million times, and it came to the point where it sort of became like breaking at a red light “normal, cookie-cutter, routine, whatever.” Until I had it explained like this… 

"A man sent his son to his room without dinner for some major disobedience.  After a while, he went in to talk to his son and asked the boy what he thought his punishment should be.  The boy answered with something like, "I should be grounded for 3 weeks."  The father answered with, "I agree.  That sounds like a fitting punishment.  But instead, I'd like you to come out to the kitchen and have dinner with us and then I'm going to take you out for ice cream."  The boy was puzzled but the father smiled and said, "That, my son, is grace."   

I'm not sure if the story is fact or fiction, but I imagine if it's true, that it's a lesson the boy never forgot. 

I have also heard it in this acronym 

G- God's 

R- Riche's 

A- At 

C- Christ's  

E- Expanses  

To make it even more simple. If God owned a mall, everything we took Jesus would have already paid for. 

For anyone who feels like nothing, you are worth so much more than anyone could ever think of you. For a girl that feels worthless, for a guy that has chosen the wrong road, for anyone out there. There is no sin too big for God. He is the God of the universe His grace is more than enough, it is so sufficient, all you have to do is accept His gift....His Son, Jesus Christ ; His mercy is overflowing. We have to realize God loved us so much He gave His son for us. Now what does that say, that's unending love; amazing grace! God has really worked in my life, convicting me of these false ideas l had of life and Him. He is love, He loves us. We all mess up, but that's why Christ came for the sinners not the perfect. Even for someone who has grown up in church their whole life, and that hasn't really made many "big" bad decision, someone who has been pretty consistent, it's all the same we're all sinners, all of us, no one person is exempt. Sometimes God allows us to endure in the pain which just means we have a bigger gift waiting at the top of that mountain. We always have to remember to humble ourselves and realize we are redeemed and we are forgiven. Don't let your pride get in the way of receiving this free gift. His love is unending and His grace is amazing.  


12/31/2015 04:13:09 am

Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound


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